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The Bear

4am this morning I found myself awake sitting in the kitchen staring into oblivion. When I finally came down to earth the first thing I noticed was Harry's bear. Our son's memorial bear the one I had got for him on top of the TV. I had this one handmade for him especially, something he could call his own. He is actually too big for the cabinet and I knew that he was needed out and if that is where he wants him, then this is were he will stay. It made me smile from within and it made me think about the memorial bear. He or She comes in all different sizes, colours, and is made from so many different materials. But one thing for sure is that most of the people I know within the baby loss community have their special cuddly comforter too. It made me think of Julia a beautiful princess born sleeping who I had the honour of dressing with dignity, and years later am very close friends with her mum. She has a special monkey that goes everywhere with her which contains a recording of Julia's heartbeat and her precious ashes.

Over the years I have been gifted so many beautiful keepsake bears, and in fairness I have special ones for all my children who have gone on before me. There are a special few that I hope when my time comes they are placed within my coffin so I can hand them to their rightful owner's, my children. 7 Pregnancies and 9 children, all who live beyond the moon and stars,

Jessica - Old fashioned Ted purchased for her by myself while shopping in Chester

Silent Babies - OctoBear handmade with love by Joyce (National Day of Remembrance for Pregnancy & Infant Loss)

Jonathan - Rainbow Caterpillar Handmade with love by Joyce, inspired by the Rainbow


Ruby & Phillip (Twins) - Aching Arms Bear - Gifted from another parent by Aching Arms.

Snowdrops - ComforTed - Handmade with Love by Lesley from one bereaved parent to another

So, today it it inspired me to write this morning, and share the love because we may live similar to other bereaved parents, but each one is unique just like our children.

Do you have a special bear, or cuddly keepsake that connects you to your baby or child? We would love to see them, and please feel free to share in the comments links or pictures, or you can drop us a message to

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