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Mother's Day across the ocean and around the world.

Today, around the world many will be honouring Mother's Day and we would like to take this opportunity from the UK to send our love. To those who will carry their babies, or children in their hearts today. Over the year's on Angel Parent's UK & Worldwide we have been privileged as to how far our families have shared their journeys with us. Some have become dear friends, and have even stayed at our home. The bond Baby Loss mother's share is like no other friendship for many it is lifelong. I would like to think that the ones I have made will last for many more years, some have now been 10 years. From the beginning of Angel Parents UK & Worldwide I was blown away by the love and support I received, and still do to this day.

So, Happy Mother's Day to you all ladies who are honouring this day in your country today. What makes a mother, is YOU! You are and always will be a mother, one that is their children's voices that have gone on before them. Never change, never loose the passion you have shared with me and so many other's. We break the silence together, should to shoulder, and I for one am proud to call you friends and family. May the day be gentle on you, and please remember to be kind to yourselves today! We also remember the 10 unborn babies and their mother's who were tragically killed in the 9/11 terror attack in the US, never forgotten, forever in our hearts.

If you would like a special Mother's Day personalised graphic then please follow the below instructions, thank you.

  1. Please comment with your baby or child's name, more than one name can be added.

  2. Please use manners

  3. Please help us to create awareness by sharing the post

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5 comentários

12 de mai.

May I please have one for Ethan Wesley Vanni I’d appreciate it thank you so much

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Could I please get one for

Cayson Burnside

Thank you

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Thank you

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