It has been a busy week preparing and ticking boxes to ensure that we are ready for 6pm Kick off this evening. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped, supported and made this possible. We have been busy this afternoon packing Daddy of an Angel boxes that will be going to our local hospital, and also presenting 2 dads with their individual special Angel Dad boxes this evening. I am so nervous and cannot believe this is the start of supporting Angel Dads across Northern Ireland, as well as running a monthly dads only discussion forum. I myself totally understand that it can be hard to ask for help, as well as feeling like you are a complete failure. Which for many years has played havoc with my mental health. A huge thank you to all our lady volunteer's who have made so many beautiful keepsakes, and to Joyce for getting things to me this weekend. A big thank you to Luanne & Harry for allowing me to launch without them, I know this project is close to their hearts, and I hope I do them and my daughter proud!
6pm kick off surely it must be time for a cuppa? ☕
Catch you all later!
Angel Dad to Remi Rose
Have a fantastic match tonight and so proud of everything your doing today in memory of remi I know she will be so proud of you your doing amazing xxx