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Empty Arms Graphic & Fundraiser Update...

Graphic is open until Wednesday, as this is our fundraiser graphic to help support our Young Ambassador's. There is no charge for graphic's but if you can donate to our Summer Fundraiser that would be amazing, and if you can SHARE too, please!

Donate Link:

Petition for a National Day of Remembrance for Pregnancy & Infant Loss within the UK

Graphic Request

  1. Please COMMENT below with your baby or child's name using manner's.

  2. This graphic closed Wednesday, 15th May 2024 at 12 noon.

  3. Please allow 7-10 days for graphic to be uploaded to your reply.

  4. Please do not alter the graphic as they are watermarked, and only request for your child or grandchild.

Many thanks, and together we can all make a difference in sharing and caring!

19 views6 comments


Could I please get one for Cayson Burnside

Thank you

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Could I please get one for Baby Charlie

Thank you

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May 11

Beautiful graphic and I will continue to share the fundraiser xx

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Thank you Tracy xxx So appreciated!

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