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From one bereaved parent to another


By now you will have probably realised that the people that understand you are the one's that walk the same path as you. Over the year's when we reflect we can often feel the guilt for pushing away those around us. Who love us unconditionally, who want to 'FIX' it, and instead they can sometimes make it harder to for us to open up. We know that it is not intentionally, but we find ourselves snapping, crying with frustration, and feeling hurt even more. We can loose family and friends, again because they want to 'FIX' it. But, the truth is no one can! Sometimes it is not their fault what comes out of their mouth, or they avoid you, or try to distance themselves, and sometimes it is. Honestly, sometimes people just do not think before they speak, and other's we never know another's journey, and the only way many have us have found this journey more bearable is to, say it, write it, and share from the heart. Some parents will post on their social media accounts posts that reflect how they feel, or when their little one's Angelversary is. Other's will not, there is no right way, and there is no wrong way. What many of us have learned is, right now, those who love you, are hurting for you, and it can be hard to verbally say it out loud or show it. Grief is beyond words!

So, in 2019 we set a online support group where bereaved parents came together and shared experiences, uplifting advice and love. Individually, they would then write a card to another bereaved parent. These precious cards where then placed inside special handmade with love making memory packs and boxes. And this year we are starting a NEW Group for parent's to take part in. As well as it help another parent to know they are not alone, and give some gentle comfort it also help heal a part of their heart's too! By sharing not only to we keep our little one's memory growing, we can see how far we have come on our own personal journey. Each of these beautiful cards were filled with so much love and advice, and it is something we all need especially when the door closes. When we are at our most vunerable a bereaved parent can often feel numb, isolated alone, not heard, and most of all guilty. Parent's have told us that it has helped them in their darkest moments, and something they will treasure forever.

If you are interested in taking part, please drop us an email at for further information.

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