The words of one of our baby loss parent's, volunteer, and Company Secretary, Sam.
The bitter sweet end to the month of July, were she lost more than one of her beautiful tiny babies within weeks, to months. A month I know if she could she would, hide away from soceity, even those close to her. But, this year behind the scenes and preparing for August in memory of her precious babies she has sponsored and put together personally a burial box for a family. From choosing gowns our ladies handmake, and special keepsakes, she kept herself busy handmaking more special to add. So, normally when she say's each year, Im okay and throws herself into work, avoiding the mention of their angelversaries we know she is hurting or struggling. It hurts us and those around to watch her have flashbacks of the pain she suffered, not only losing her little ones but the ignorance of so many. including ignorance, selfishness, and unenthical words of some within the medical profession too. Sadly, this is true for many within the baby loss community. This month, this year, she has totally blown us away, even with last minute changes.

This year, Sam has shared with other bereaved parents, connected through social media, and face to face interaction with other's who needed to know they are not alone. She has worked through her grief not only this month, but she learnt to own it, walk with it, and most of all embrace it. The moment she openly shared, and everyone cried, which I don't think she noticed, made me so proud to call her a friend, and family. The honour to hear their precious journey's and it being from their mum's mouth verbally astounded us all. This month is the "Gone but not forgotten" workshops, Sam has written the letters to her oldself, she has stepped out of her comfort zone. I see a surviour of baby loss, not a victim. I see someone who denied herself the love and compassion, she so needed after losing 5 of her babies. Due may I add, was to the ignorance of many. I saw the light in her eyes this month, when I shared about the NEW "Pregnancy and baby loss review" by Zoe Clarke-Coates, and the repsonse from the government a shock to the system for so many families I bet. Top, and bottom of it - that our precious babies under 24 weeks do matter
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that made it happen!
It was the icing on the cake, and Sam, along with her amazing son, Izaak (rainbow) who is also one of our 'Young Ambassador's" said that this year they would like to sponsor a hospital close to their heart's. Hope was restored, that light was switched on and she was determined to work through the pain and heartache. She knew the change that is coming, will bring some healing knowing families will hopefully get the support, care, and dignity. Which is what they need during one of the most heartbreaking times in their lives. So, I was totally blown away when she told me the hospital, miles away from her hometown. It was where we did our first launch together, Southport & Ormskirk NHS Hospital. Which holds precious memories for us both. So, in memory of her precious babies, and my son Jonathan's (18th) this year, we are donating Rainbow bags, and Sunflower boxes which will be delivered during the month of August. These will then be distibuted to women who are on their rainbow journey, pregnant after loss, with Jo Unsworth, Bereavement Midwife, and the Rainbow Midwives. While, the Sunflower boxes, which can support any person grieving will be going to the Jan, the Hospital Chaplin.
A huge thank you Sam and Izaak for also sponsoring, and handmaking a burial box in July for a precious little girl born sleeping. Sam, chose the design, and picked two beautiful gowns, that had been handmade by our amazing team of volunteer's and seamstress. It was something she had never done before, yes she has prepared boxes but never added the final gown or been talked through the special cards, for the nurse, for the undertakers, for the family. She had never prepared a special box for baby who was yet to be born, sleeping. She stayed up all night ensuring every item was perfect, and I cannot count the times she went through it with me. Pride filled every inch of my body. Because I knew, not only how hard it was to be in the REAL moment of baby loss, but that this month so many things can add to sadness to her little one's angelversaries. But, something inside of me knew she was going to literally kick arse and work her way through her way.
That she did, and it is goodbye to July Sam. But, an amazing one, and thank you from all the team and parents, for everthing you do. I do not think I have ever met someone so selfless, so caring, and so hurt by words of the ignorant! What, I do know is you have walked this path with dignity, and you should be so proud of everything you do in your little one;s memories. Thank you for being you! Fly high little ones, your precious memories will bring families love, comfort, and relief that they are not alone.
Thank you Sam, thank you Izaak xxx
Love Lou & all the team....
Thank you Sam for everything you do helojg support others and especially the month of July. Your 5 precious angels will never be forgotten.