Thank you to everyone who nominated, and I cannot believe I am going to be stood next to super human beings in the Final in September. Absolutely, amazing work that continues to change lives in the community. I feel proud, and also overwhelmed. I think sharing outside the baby loss community is still daunting for me. Also it was weird not having to look at people's reactions when I was sharing my journey with the lovely lady from the BBC. I truly felt humble, and that day, had been a stressful one too. So, it was nice to say what our journey was in my own home, with Harry on standby if I got emotional. Ready to pounce in and take over....
He is the hero for me on this journey, he has no idea how much of an impact he has on others who meet him face to face. He is who he is and having aspergs allows him to be in his bubble at times. Processing at his own pace, and then this intellect emerges and says it as it is. Heartbreakingly sad, but so rewarding as a parent to be a part of change. To see another family get the support they need, thousands of us sharing, and educating our own families. And believe me they can be the hardest to try and understand that no matter how long ago, or how small my baby was that they mattered equally to you. Some I was able to have more time with, but each and everyone was wanted, dreamt off, and each one leaves me with a piece of my heart missing, and it will always be that way. But what allows us as baby loss parents to live is to be able to talk freely, share, and help with changes, as we can finally see light at the end of the tunnel for early loss babies, all babies under 24 weeks regardless of how they left this world. are being acknowledged. They are and always will be our precious little ones and we all play a part in making a difference.
Thank you for all of the beautiful messages, comments, and knowing that somewhere on this path we met, helped each other. And..... know I lead with my heart. Which is not always right, I think being part of a community that each day we are all facing the unknown. Because no 2 journey's are the same ever, similar and often heartbreakingly similar, but they are individual and unique because no one can ever feel what you are feeling. But, we can relate so much and we listen to each others heartache and laughter. Sharing with the outside world, is so hard for so many of us, and even I to this day still stumble or feel my heart being ripped from me again, and again when I speak, share, or fall apart inside. When, in fact we are learning to heal too, and that is what a wise man once told me. It is how I have coped with the heartache and tragedy of losing my precious little ones, my best friend, I am blessed because I get to leave memories, and know their names are spoken and will be in the future.
In memory of my precious Jessica, Jonathan, Ruby & Phillip, 3 silent angels, and our twin snowdrops (Embryo Adoption). Knowing that through this our lives, mine and Harry's are rewarded by seeing other's set up and make change in their local communities. We want other parents to duplicate what we are doing locally, to their way... We want to all be able to leave something tangible for other's to remember our children by too. I hope that we have, and I know from your beautiful messages, we have helped others on their journey towards a healing heart.
Thank you to everyone, and thank you to a friend who flies, Paul Scully-sloan for being a part of my journey. And even today, continues to influence it. Thank you to every little one that as we saying their name, gives us strength to do what we all do each day,
Thank you xx
Luanne Rimmer