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In memory of our dear friend, Sam (RIP) & Baby Loss Mummy to Willow, born sleeping.



I remember receiving the message from Jayne, Sam's Mum that she had sadly passed away. It took me some time to reply as I could not believe it, I honestly kept reading it over and over again. How can someone who has dedicated her time, love, and energy to making a difference for other bereaved parents have died? It has been a few months since I had been online with Sam. Although, I had still being completing her graphics for Baby Willow, which she loved and treasured. But behind the heartache no one truly knew how much pain Sam was in. I am sharing the exact post as I did back in 2019 from her Mum, Jayne, and want to say a huge thank you for everything Jayne and her family has done in creating awareness, and trying to bring change in mental health awareness in Sam's memory.

Today, I am sending all my love, and floaty kisses to you and all the family Jayne. As you remember a beautiful woman, daughter, mother, sister, and friend. You are forever within my heart, sleep tight beautiful, and give willow and my little ones a hug.

Love & Hugs


Baby Loss Parent & Advocate

Post from 2017

Angel Grandmother & Angel Mum, Jayne Shares the impact of her families journey through #mentalhealth. On the day after Sam's death Jayne messaged me to share the news and today we are sharing Sam's journey again, as we do each year, her #strength and #courage to speak out for change.

Jayne's words....

1 life is too many.... by sharing this my family want to help other parent's talk #reachout and educate other's to understand the impact of #babyloss this #BLAW2019 regardless of age. #EveryLifeMatters

Our journey...

On the 8th October 2016, my daughter Sam gave birth to a beautiful baby girl called Willow. Willow was perfect - Willow was sadly, born sleeping. #stillborn #stillloved #willow Baby loss is hard for everyone to understand, even those who walk this path.

Sam struggled as all parent's who endure #babyloss suffer. For Sam it felt like everyone around her was having rainbow babies, she was happy for them, the pain was agonising for her. As each month when no 🌈 baby came. She would say "WHY NOT ME mum"

This year, her brother and sister went onto have babies (who Sam will never meet) and as I say Sam was happy but inside my daughter was going through hell. This year, her partners sister was expecting and it became too hard for Sam to be around. In fact 6 weeks before Sam decided to take her life, Sam and her partner split. Just before her IVF treatment.

As Sam's partner had left she was not able to have IVF. This left her heartbroken, Sam only ever wanted to be a mummy.

On the 2nd June 2019 Sam took her life, the only way she believed, she could a mummy was to be with her daughter Willow. I cannot express the pain and 💔 my family live with. But, the fight for change is so needed.

As a family this summer we raised over £7,000 to cover three cuddle cots, for three hospitals so parents can spend longer with their babies. They have also donated to Edwards Trust to help parents receive bereavement care. Which as we all know is not accessible to everyone.

My family have written to Prince William & Prince Harry, the Government and other members of Parliament for support. What we TRULY need is for you to help us to SIGN & SHARE this petition so they have to acknowledge #mentalhealth  and #babyloss are connected.

The petition can be found below and in the comments, please HELP us #TogetherforChange If it helps saves one life then it's worth the additional heartache we facing campaigning.

Thank you for everything each and everyone of you do as Angel Parents to help others. #TogetherweareStronger 

Please sign and share


Angel Mum to Sam & Angel Nana to Willow

If you have been affected by any details in the article, please see support information and links below that can assist you. Or, feel free to drop the team a message in our chat bod, we are here to help you, or if you need a friendly chat. Please remember to it OK not to be OK but it is not OK to do it alone! If you have harmed yourself, please RING 999 Emergency Services. Our team are bereavement trained and baby loss parents, but we are NOT Healthcare Professionals.

Support is available, please reach out today, or let us help you find the support that is best suited to you.

In an emergency

You can also contact these organisations for support


Free 24-hour confidential emotional support: 116 123 | | Visit their website

This number is free to call from both landlines and mobiles, including pay-as-you-go mobiles. You do not need to have any credit or call allowance on your plan to call.


Shout is a free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you are struggling to cope and need immediate help.

Text Shout to 85258 | Visit the Shout website.

National Suicide Prevention Helpline

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK is a helpline offering a supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide.

They are open from 6pm to 3:30am everyday on 0800 689 5652.  Open to anyone over 18.

Mind Infoline

Hearing or speech impaired callers may contact Mind using the main helpline numbers or choose to use RNID textphone services to contact.

Monday to Friday: 9am – 6pm (except Bank Holidays). 0300 123 3393 | |  Visit the Mind website. 

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