As we had received special awards in 2023 and 2024, myself and Harry talked about choosing some of the amazing people we are proud to volunteer with, those who have gone above and beyond. But it would mean everyone who volunteered with us!!! We realised it will always be a hard choice, as we are grateful to so many for the work they do. But after a long debate we said we would start the awards and nominate each one in memory of our precious babies that has grown their wings, died. Our special award would be in memory of our 'Snowdrop Twins' who were conceived through Embryo adoption in Prague. They were not only our miracle babies, we had decided this was the last time we would try for another baby. So, when it was twins we were ecstatic, and it was a different pregnancy for us, and by know means was it clinical. We stepped outside the box and like many billions of people around the world needed assistance and embarked on a fertility journey with love and hope.
Choosing Lucy Livesey from @relaxwithlucy @elliesgift was a no brainer. Lucy not only goes above and beyond in caring for those on this path by using meditation, 121 support, groups and mindfulness, who is inspired her daughter Ellie who was born sleeping. The work and strength all in memory of her daughter Ellie, she continued to support and share bereaved parents, she and Rick have created a beautiful support platform for other families. I think it was not long after Covid that I first met Lucy and she had invited me to share our services and campaign at a Baby Loss Awareness event in order to raise funds and offer support and therapies for bereaved parents in the community. I was compelled to try the mindfulness and support sessions, which brought me comfort and peace. Something I had never really experienced before. Every session, or during the session I would sometimes go into a deep sleep about 20 minutes before the end. For someone who has suffered with insomnia for years, I was finally learning to breathe, take time out, and began to use meditation and mindfulness. Feedback from parents was amazing, and you could see the real progress baby loss mums were making on their journey's too. It is so heartfelt when it someone you have worked with and I know the team feel the same way too begins to heal and find some peace.
It was a special journey for me and Harry on our Embryo adoption journey, and Lucy is a special person who has supported me on mine journey as well as hundreds of others.
As well as a colleague she is a special friend, and someone that brings a special hug to my heart. Lucy is running and working with Ellies Gift App in the NHS. The App provides support, meditation recordings that can be listened to free of charge, support during pregnancy, and support for rainbow mum's during pregnancy and labour. We both support The Royal Oldham NHS hospital and community, so our paths will often cross. I admire her strength, love, support, and kindness as a human being, as well as a baby loss mum to Ellie, you never stop parenting. As we do within the baby and child loss community we introduce and share services, network to give families the best support we possibly can as individuals.
Not only has Lucy volunteered and provided support in our workshops and groups with mindfulness and relaxation sessions, but allows us to signpost into the support groups and programmes she runs with her team. Which means baby loss parents have access to these services on their journey earlier on without having to wait, or feel they have to do this alone. Congratulations Lucy, and we have kindly donated to Lucy's Christmas fundraiser to support further additions to the app for baby loss parents. As well as sending her and Rick for a special break away, or a mini family break. Thank you for being an amazing human being who truly is an angel we have blessed with in the Baby Loss Community!