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Special Graphics & Why...

Each graphic we design means something to us as admin, from what we are thinking, or experiencing that day, to what we see in our week that has passed, or special occasion. This week I have thought nothing but missing out on my girl's wedding days. Putting their special dresses on them, and making them remember the cloth they are cut from, and how strong beautiful women they are/would be. Seeing them older in our dreams can be scarey and at first it is hard to handle. But my babies have grown with me over the years, and especially when they would of hit their milestones in life, had they lived.

Maybe I have been thinking subconsciously about me and Harry renewing our wedding vows after 20 years in 2025. Maybe it is seeing a friends daughter who would of been a little younger than Jessica's age share the wedding dress. What so many do not understand it is those memories that can break us, the lost ones! The ones we feel stolen of, and how their lives being cut short truly does have an impact upon our lives as we age without them. If you would like to request a graphic, please share if you can, and comment below using manners, and add your little ones names. Wishing you all a peaceful Saturday evening!

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Jul 21

Can you do one for Aspen Beau Hudson please and thank you 🙏

Jul 24
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Thank you so much


Could I get one for my son

Cayson Burnside

Please and Thank you

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Thank you


Could I please have one for Brittney Nicole Miracle thank you so much

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